What is Fast ForWord ®?

The Fast For Word® family of products are designed to help elementary, middle and high school students develop and strengthen memory and sequencing skills, attention, auditory processing, processing speed and the language skills essential for academic success. Neuroscience research has proven that difficulty with language and auditory processing can have adverse repercussions on cognitive skills and academic performance

What is the Fast ForWord Family of Products?

  • Fast ForWord Language  Elementary Students

  • Fast ForWord Literacy  Middle & High School Students These initial products in the Language and Literacy series build foundational reading and language skills while improving memory, attention and processing rates so students can become successful learners.

  • Fast ForWord Language to Reading  Elementary Students

  • Fast ForWord Literacy Advanced Middle & High School Students These products help students make the link between spoken words and reading. They continue the cognitive strengthening of the initial series and bundle it with advanced practice in grammatical structures and comprehension.

  • Fast ForWord Reading Applying the discoveries of neuroscience, the Reading series (1-5) is a builds critical reading skills – everything from phonics to passage comprehension.

How Does Fast ForWord ® Work?

Fast ForWord® products use patented technologies that leverage the science and opportunity of the brain’s ability to change at any age
throughout life. By exercising processing skills through intensive, adaptive activity, actual physical changes occur in the brain providing a foundation for learning and reading success.

Why Does Fast ForWord Work?

Is My Child a Candidate?

Does your child

  • Struggle with homework?

  • Get confused in noisy situations?
  • Misunderstand what you say?
  • Have an attention problem?

  • Give slow or delayed responses?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, your child may be a candidate for Fast ForWord®.

How Do I Get My Child Started?

Call KidSpeak to discuss your concerns and see if Fast will be developed to meet your child’s needs. The protocol is five days/week with time customized for your child.

Contact Us for a Demo Today!